Random thoughts

Things are monotonous,we have not struggled yet.Its been a different era, which has just been materialistic driven by abject consumerism.We have not made our way,we have just followed the others.
There is a lack of desire to innovate and to be a torchbearer.This is not the lack of ability or skill,rather this is a lack of self believe.

Yes,the self belief is the confidence in ourselves.This comes by backing ourselves, by enhancing our abilities-and this is possible only by hard work and discipline.

Risk taking and being a rebel in thought is essential for innovation and this is possible only by strong self believe and strong believe in the target.

"when we believe in something, the journey becomes the destination and strangers become friend."

Where is the point in being critical of a person who smokes?if one enjoys doing that, then where is the problem?The overall productivity and efficiency of the person matters. Only the meaningfulness of his life matters.

We seldom seem to take cognizance of our duty towards our nation,towards our society.Its easy to criticize the bad but very difficult to be the initiator of change.
If we want our society to change for good,then the change should start with us and with every little things in our lives.
If we start making choices, which we know are true, (without caring what others will think) times will start to change for good.

PS: i should have changed we to 'I'.


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