Another thought train

I have not updated my blog lately, so here I am, doing now.
A few weeks back, I was introduced to the basics of the Superstring theory or M – theory by a friend.
A question which is elementary in nature but has troubled the physicists and everyone alike is whether our universe or our lives and us obey a Deterministic process or a Random process. This very question is being answered by the Superstring theory-which has the potential to be the Theory of Everything.
A deterministic process follows a definite path to completion. Generally it obeys an equation and can be modeled mathematically. An example is Turing machine or a finite state automation machine. The next state is always fixed and somewhat predetermined also.
So according to this, life is based on an equation and what we experience is the solution of that equation at different time and variables.Definitely this doesn't seems 2 be the case.
On the other hand, a random process does nt obey a set of rules. Rather it is random -of infinite possibilities and any next state is possible out of infinite possibilities. Our random selections in present time shape our future. The next state is chosen by the present state randomly. According to the Superstring theory there are 11 dimensions of reality and infinite parallel universes are there. Our universe in the present form is of many infinite universes of a multiverse and our sense of reality is one of many alternate those universes our laws of physics are worthless and our sense of time is also meaningless.
It's mind boggling.


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